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Billy's Birth

Baby Billy's Birth (2).jpg

We had two hypnobirthing sessions with Katie towards the end of my pregnancy. The sessions for both Hugh and I were so much more beneficial than we could ever have imagined. Being a midwife myself, I had a lot of anxiety around the birth and my ability to cope in labour. Katie was absolutely amazing and managed to gauge our needs immediately. We focused on how I could focus on positive affirmations and relaxation during my pregnancy. Together we listened most evenings to her beautiful scripts to help us prepare and become excited about the labour instead of feeling fearful. A few lines from her scripts really stuck in my head particularly-  


"This may be tough, but so am I" and 

"This cannot be more powerful than me, because it is me"  


Using these, with her visualisation of blowing bubbles during a contraction, I truly believe it got me through a very quick and intense labour. Katie pitched the sessions so perfectly and each time we left feeling more confident.


At 39 weeks +1 day, my waters broke at 5pm. Despite plans to go home and relax to await contractions, my body went into labour straight away. Within 30 minutes I was contracting regularly and they became more intense by 6.30pm. We made our way to the hospital, taking our essential oils and listening to our hypnobirthing tracks in the car. My husband was familiar with the tracks and talked me through each one with me. The journey seemed so quick considering it was 40 minutes! 


Once I arrived at the hospital, I was in established labour and within 1.5 hours I was 5cm and got into the birthing pool. I was feeling relaxed and I was not fearful. The labour intensified very quickly and within an hour I was feeling the urge to push. During this transition stage I was scared. I had to use all of my power to focus again and remind myself that I was able to birth my baby, and to trust that my body was doing the right thing. 


Half an hour later, with the help of the water and my incredible birth partners I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. It was an incredibly fast labour for a first baby, and although I felt shocked by the speed and intensity I felt in control when I needed to be- something I never believed I could do.


I honestly believe that I wouldn't have had the mental strength had it not been for Katie's sessions.


I so highly recommend her to every pregnant woman!!                                                             



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